wphk limited edition

A good chance for four Hong Kong wedding photographers capturing your unforgettable moments in your wedding with different style .They capture the best memories in your wedding according to their professional sense. Pls send a email to info@wphk.com.hk for more information.


$5,000係會有四位攝影師加一個助手去進行拍攝,另外係需要加多$5,000去取回所以soft copy同一本album。好多客都會問點樣先可以join到我們這個package,首要就當然係日子要我地四位都有空當啦,在這方面如果新人既婚期我地係冇期的話我地係唔會作出回覆的請見諒!另外如果佢巳經join左我地四位其中一位既客人我地亦不作考慮的,暫定我地會group埋經過夾期後可行既新人係六月作一次會面日期會經email通知新人,好令我地更了解佢地婚禮既細節。

1 則留言:

匿名 說...

Wah Wah Wah...just discover this good "NEWS", really want to get marry AGAIN ar...hoho ^0^

Yvonne & Stanley @MY1026